Holidays are Hard

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Let's face it, holidays are hard.

Rushing to get gift shopping done, having NO CLUE what to buy, and refusing to gift your brothers socks, shirts, or pants for the 30th year in a row. Ahem. Guilty. Endlessly searching recipes to impress with the perfect meal only to make a mess of the kitchen. Struggling to fit everyone's holiday parties on to your calendar, or not being invited at all. Walking to work in the freezing cold. Way too many holiday sweets... Mmmm fudge....

But no matter how real the struggle gets, there is something special about the holidays. The nearer they get, the more anxious I become to be off with my family and friends and far away from my desk. So like little Rudolph, sometimes I have to find a guiding light to help me stay on task...

Today's topic is online advertisements. After designing and pitching over 12 online banner designs, getting all the necessary opinions needed to select 3 finalists, and creating over 50 different versions in various sizes for testing and placement online, one could say I was mentally drained. In true Lizzi fashion, I had to do something to lighten my mood. So I created even more versions, yes really, to bring a little smile to my face, and a little cheer to everyone else who struggled with me through all of the above. 

For your viewing pleasure, here are my rejects. 

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